Awards for Young Writers on Horseracing 2024

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the second year of the Awards for Young Writers on Horseracing on Monday 16th September 2024! The awards are open to young people aged 11 to 25 in the UK, for entries on horseracing subjects.

The Awards follow the Martin Wills Prize which ran for a number of years and launched the career of horseracing journalist and podcaster, Nick Luck (also a Trustee of the National Horseracing Museum).

All finalists and their participating settings will receive a Certificate of Participation. Thanks to the Wilmington Trust, our sponsors, there are two categories with generous prizes for winning entries:

  • 16-25 years £500 up to 1200 words
  • 11-15 years £250 up to 700 words

The closing date for entries will be midnight on 14th January 2025.

Find Out More Here

The National Horseracing Museum is excited to share curricula-linked activities and resources to help you and your pupils learn more about Horseracing, including topics in Science, Local History, History, Sports Science, PE and Art.
A school trip to the National Horseracing Museum  is a unique learning experience, with opportunities to meet horses, try jockey training using our racing simulator and a range of fun and interactive workshops across our five-acre site. We are an Artsmark Partner and an Arts Award Centre. Please contact us if you are interested in working with us on your Artsmark or would like to take up the opportunity for a fully-funded Arts Award for your students. NHRM is also a Children’s University Destination and we support schools by providing fully-funded after school club provision.

Can’t make it to the museum? We will bring the National Horseracing Museum to you – from an assembly delivered by our Creative Programme Manager, to pop-up displays, to downloadable teaching resources and loans boxes. We also offer CPD opportunities for teachers and digital learning sessions. Our popular essay writing competition for older students, The Awards for Young Writers, which aligns with the schedule of learning for GCSE Journalism, launches online every September across the East of England.


‘Every child is welcome, regardless of their level of need, and the staff have an excellent understanding of education and how to inspire young minds, and the next generation, to engage with our cultural heritage.’

Deputy Head Teacher

CPD for Teachers

Teachers we need you! Join our Teacher’s Panel and have your say.

What’s involved? The teacher’s Panel meets three times a year and contributes to your CPD. Join us for tea and cake and explore our learning programmes old and new and help us to ensure that our schools programming meets the needs of our schools community. If you’re interested, please get in touch with Sarah for an informal chat at [email protected].

Learning & Schools

Essential Information


  • Self-led visit: FREE OF CHARGE (Please note: self-led visits must be booked in advance)
  • Private Behind the Scenes tour: £50 for the group. Meet and greet ex-racehorses, plus a chance to explore and ask questions about the forge, horse-walker and weigh bridge. (Maximum 30 students; must be booked in advance)
  • Half day workshop: £125 (Maximum 30 students; must be booked in advance) unless stated otherwise
  • Accompanying adults: FREE OF CHARGE

The Alborada Education Centre (funded through the generosity of The Alborada Trust) and a picnic room with cloakroom facilities are available for all learning groups.

To ensure the best experiences for groups, all educational visits must be booked in advance. To plan your visit please contact Sarah by email or call 01638 667314.

NHRM is an Artsmark Partner and an Arts Award Centre. Please contact us if you are interested in working with us on Artsmark or Arts Award. NHRM is also a Children’s University Destination.


Young children looking at the historic fountain in the Rothschild Yard at NHRM

Learning & Schools

Resources for Teachers

We have a number of resources for teachers that can be downloaded and printed with optional educational activities to support school visits to the National Horseracing Museum.

These resources have been developed with KS1 and KS2 in mind but are adaptable for other age groups.

Find Out More

Learning & Schools

Self-led Visits

You are welcome to bring your group to explore at your own pace and with your own focus.

Self-led visits are FREE but must be booked in advance.


  • Use of group picnic room to use as a base
  • Self-led visit information sheet
  • FREE preliminary visit for lead teacher and a colleague
  • Risk assessments

Learning & Schools


If you are interested in a workshop, please contact Sarah by email or call 01638 667314 so that we can discuss how best to achieve this for your group. Thank you.