As part of the Fun Palaces weekend on the 3rd & 4th October 2020, NHRM invites you to create a small display that showcases everything about you. The mini museum is a portable collection of curiosities where every specimen is authentic, iconic, and all about you, your loved one’s, best moment, pets, hobbies – anything that encompasses, little old you.
Think of a theme for your display. Is it just about you or also some of your loved ones?
They could be big or small. Pick as many objects as you like!
In museums we tell stories about objects. You can write about anything, including what the object means to you, when/ where you got it and why you have chosen it for your display.
Most museums display objects in cases and frames in order to keep them safe, so visitors can get as close to them as possible without damaging them. You can choose to display your objects however you like, such as in a frame, a shoe box or on a shelf!
Send us a photo of your mini museum to be in with the chance of winning a prize!
The photo will be entered into a lucky dip where a winner will be drawn at random once a week from 3rd -31st October . Winners will receive two tickets to the museum and a £10 voucher to spend in the shop.
NHRM would love to see your Mini Museum of Me when you have finished! We will be displaying all of the mini museums on our website.
To be featured in our online exhibition, send in a photo in jpeg format of your mini-museum to [email protected] or tag us on social media @NHRMuseum
If you are under 16 please ask your parent/guardian to submit the photo on your behalf.